A tender promise that The LORD of all creations will be your refuge!
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”- Psalm 46:10. These words sung by the palmist King David is also your Heavenly Father’s promise to you! I sees your troubles, and I will be your refuge, strength, and help! I will part the sea for you, and I will be exalted! May you have peace in His Promises!
Who can you bless with this beautiful Be Still He is God Tote?
That person you know will be blessed with this tote! That dear friend who keeps trying to better themselves but doesn’t see any progress. That family friend whose cancer has returned. Your family member who needs affirmation and a word of encouragement. That person who ran through your thoughts. This beautiful black and gold Be Still He is God Tote is the perfect gift to all who are sojourners in this world. Carrying it will constantly remind you to make Him your hiding place; to be still and watch Him perform your miracle- for His Glory! Your compassion will forever be remembered when they carry this gem; and it will be your new favored tote!